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Embracing Happiness: Exploring Creativity, Psychology, and Technology

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I’ve spent the last few weeks restructuring ToFeliz.com, and now I believe it’s time to define its purpose. If all goes well, I plan to transform this post into a short presentation using Artificial Intelligence and share it on social media (I still need to learn more about it in the process 😁).

The website was initially born as a platform to express my thoughts on happiness. Over time, it evolved into a repository for my studies on psychoanalysis. Today, it has taken a new shape (at least until I decide on something new).

Presently, ToFeliz encompasses everything that brings me joy: a collection of engaging activities I’m involved in. While I’ll continue studying psychoanalysis and psychology, I also intend to introduce new sections, including Creativity, 3D Printing, as well as Technology and the Financial Market. These topics may vary greatly, so feel free to focus on what interests you most; the posts will always be organized into categories, available in both Portuguese and English.

In the Creativity and 3D Printing section, I plan to embark on a series of projects and leave some of them open-ended. The idea is to experiment with various subjects and filter out the most intriguing projects.

As for the Psychoanalysis and Psychology section, it’s curated by an enthusiast. Although I’m not formally trained in these fields, I find the subject so captivating that I’m constantly reading about it. My initial goal is to demystify therapy for regular people. Personally, I’ve always had a strong resistance to attending therapy, which I believe stems from the lack of understanding about the subject and the misconceptions that only “crazy” people seek therapy. I hope to break down these barriers and encourage people to prioritize their mental well-being. ChatGPT has been a great asset in this section; I’ve had numerous engaging discussions with it, and I’m eager to share some of these conversations.

Technology and the Financial Market continue to be my primary sources of income. Therefore, I’ll be conducting various surveys to determine my next steps. For instance, one of the first surveys I’m planning to launch will focus on gathering ideas for new mobile apps. Though it’s been a while, I’ll reopen my digital crafts factory to develop iPhone apps (and perhaps include Android and Web versions, if time permits).

This upcoming season promises to be quite eventful, with multiple projects running simultaneously—just the way I like it. Most importantly, there won’t be an obligation to finish tasks that turn out to be dull. It’s shaping up to be an intriguing year. Let’s embark on this journey together!

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